Sarah came in and took these pics, then we went out in the dark to do a photo shoot with her amazing headdresses. She strapped each piece onto my head, wrapped me in a sheet and took photos while Marina shone the car headlights on the whole scene. I felt like a fairy creature from the forest with these majestically creations emerging from the top of my head. Can't wait to see the photos.
We've both been working so steady, it was fun to have both of our projects hatch on the same day. We celebrated with local farm wine and asparagus wrapped in prosciutto. I guess you could call that a good artist day all around :-)
Wow! That is beautiful! I hope you have a show of these in Vancouver. I do want to come and look at your linocuts in real life and buy one of Vancouver, whenever you're back and have some time. No rush, I will be away mostly until mid-May myself, so maybe in late May or June...
Thanks Sigrid! I'm looking forward to getting out and sketching with you some more when I get home. I haven't planned a show with these new works yet, but I will. I'll keep you posted, and we can look at the painted Vancouver series when we're both back in town. Some of them are at the Dr Vigari Gallery on Commercial Drive, bit I have a good selection at the house still too. Happy travels!
Congratulations. They look fabulous already without the colour added.
Thanks Sue!
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